Call for Papers

Third ACM International Conference on
Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) 2010

4-6 February 2010 -- New York City, USA

WSDM (pronounced "wisdom") is a young ACM conference intended to be the publication venue for research in the areas of search and data mining. Indeed, the pace of innovation in these areas prevents proper coverage by conferences of broader scope. The high attendance at the first two WSDMs, held at Stanford University and Barcelona in February 2008 and 2009, has confirmed community interest in a more focused venue.

WSDM invites original, high quality submissions related to search and data mining on the Web, with an emphasis on practical but principled novel models of search and retrieval, algorithm design and analysis, economics implications, and in-depth experimental analysis of accuracy and performance.

Topics of interests include but are not limited to the following:

  • Crawling the Web and monitoring change
  • Text indexing, index caching, query processing
  • Search engine architecture
  • Novel query languages
  • Security and privacy in Web search and mining
  • Distributed, meta, and peer-to-peer search
  • Vertical portals and search
  • Ranking and machine learning for ranking
  • Personalized search and ranking
  • User profiling and recommendation systems
  • Multifaceted and task-driven search
  • User activity modeling and exploitation
  • Sponsored search and content match algorithmics
  • Multimedia Web search
  • User interfaces for search interaction
  • Search quality benchmarking and evaluation
  • Social media analysis: blogs and friendship networks
  • Social reputation and trust management
  • Discovery-driven Web and social network mining
  • Clustering, classification and summarization of Web data
  • Data extraction and wrapper induction
  • Data integration and data cleaning
  • Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
  • Information extraction, slot-filling
  • Entity and relationship extraction
  • Sense and entity disambiguation
  • Web measurements, Web evolution, Web models
  • Traffic and log analysis
  • Multimodal data mining, e.g., images with tags
  • Site-level and other aggregate analysis
  • Algorithms and systems for Web-scale search and mining

Paper Format

Papers must report original research not accepted or under submission to any journal or conference with public proceedings (previous submissions in informal workshops or as posters are allowed, but must be indicated). Papers must be formatted according to ACM guidelines and style files to fit within 10 pages, including references, diagrams and appendices if any. A submitted paper must be self-contained and in English.


Papers must be submitted in PDF format to the paper submission Web site. PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. After upload, please check the copy stored on the site. Submissions that do not view or print properly may be rejected without a chance to rectify the problem. Please contact for any questions.  

Review Process

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three regular PC members and one or two senior PC members and is single-blind (that is, the identity of authors is known to the reviewers). Decisions will take into account novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical application, impact, and presentation.  For some papers, the PC may ask for clarifications from the authors during an author feedback phase.

Important Dates

Abstracts requested
6 August 2009 (passed)
Full paper submission
13 August 2009 (passed)
15 October 2009
4-6 February 2010

Conference location

Polytechnic Institute of NYU, New York City (Brooklyn), NY, USA


Conference Co-chairs
Torsten Suel, NYU Poly, USA
Brian D. Davison, Lehigh University, USA
Local Arrangements
Sihem Amer-Yahia, Yahoo! Research, USA (Chair)
Muthu Muthukrishnan, Google/Rutgers University, USA
Serguei Vassilvitskii, Yahoo! Research, USA
Publicity Chair
Amélie Marian, Rutgers University, USA
Oded Nov, NYU Poly, USA
Registration Chair
Sofus Macskassy, Fetch Labs, USA
Proceedings Chair
Prem Melville, IBM Research, USA

Program Committee

Program Committee Co-chairs
Nick Craswell, Microsoft
Bing Liu, University of Illinois, Chicago

Senior Program Committee
Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Andrei Broder, Yahoo! Research, USA
Roberto Bayardo, Google, USA
Masaru Kitsuregawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Hang Li, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Ramakrishnan Srikant, Google, USA
Monika Henzinger, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne & Google, Switzerland
Ravi Kumar, Yahoo! Research, USA
ChengXiang Zhai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Ziv Bar-Yossef, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and Google Haifa, Israel
Bruce Croft, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Charles Clarke, University of Waterloo, Canada
Ji-Rong Wen, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Mark Manasse, Microsoft Research, USA
C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Andrew Tomkins, Yahoo! Research, USA

Program Committee
Lada Adamic, University of Michigan
Deepak Agarwal, Yahoo! Research
Eugene Agichtein, Emory University
Einat Amitay, IBM, Israel
Aris Anagnostopoulos, Yahoo!, USA
Lars Backstrom, Cornell University, USA
Krisztian Balog, University of Amsterdam
Judit Bar-Ilan, Bar-Ilan University
Behshad Behzadi, Google, Switzerland
Nicholas Belkin, Rutgers University
Andras Benczur, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Tanya Berger-Wolf, University of Illinois at Chicago
Mikhail Bilenko, Microsoft Research
Paolo Boldi, Univ. Milano, Italy
Yunbo Cao, Microsoft Research Asia
Carlos Castillo, Yahoo!, Spain
Deepayan Chakrabarti, Yahoo, USA
Raman Chandrasekar, Microsoft Research, USA
Kevin Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan University
Zheng Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
Aaron Clauset, Santa Fe Institute
David Crandall, Cornell University
Anirban Dasgupta, Yahoo!
Fernando Diaz, Yahoo! Montreal
Georges Dupret, Yahoo!
Wei Fan, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Hui Fang, University of Delaware
Dennis Fetterly, Microsoft
Marcus Fontoura, Yahoo, USA
Ariel Fuxman, Microsoft
Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Yahoo!, USA
Aris Gionis, Yahoo! Research, Barcelona
Natalie Glance, Google
Shantanu Godbole, IBM Research India
Srinivas Gollapudi , Microsoft Research, USA
Marko Grobelnik, J. Stefan Institute
Maxim Gurevich, Technion, Israel
Jiawei Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
David Hawking, Funnelback and Australian National University
Jake Hofman, Yahoo! Research
Jeremy Hylton, Google
Nitin Jindal, University of Illinois at Chicago
Vanja Josifovski, Yahoo!, USA
Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
Jussi Karlgren, SICS, Sweden
Irwin King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Marijn Koolen, University of Amsterdam
Yehuda Koren, Yahoo! Research Israel
Gueorgi Kossinets, Google
Nick Koudas, Toronto University
Georgia Koutrika, Stanford University, USA
Peer Kroeger, University of Munich, Germany
Oren Kurland, Technion, Israel
Mounia Lalmas, University of Glasgow, UK
Wai Lam, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Dongwon Lee, Penn State University, USA
Ronny Lempel, Yahoo!, Israel
Jure Leskovec, Stanford University
Ee-Peng Lim, Singapore Management Univresity
Huan Liu, Arizona State University
Tie-Yan Liu, Microsoft, China
Chao Liu, Microsoft Research
Michael Lyu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft, China
Yoelle Maarek, Yahoo! Research-Haifa, Israel
Michael Mahoney, Stanford University
Cameron Marlow, Facebook
Frank McSherry, Microsoft
Qiaozhu Mei, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Massimo Melucci, Univ. Padua, Italy
Donald Metzler, Yahoo!, USA
Nina Mishra, Microsoft
Dunja Mladenic, J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University
Vanessa Murdock, Yahoo! Research, Spain
Marc Najork, Microsoft
Wolfgang Nejdl, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Vo Ngoc Anh, The University of Melbourne
Zaiqing Nie, Microsoft Research Asia
Alexandros Ntoulas, Microsoft, USA
Christopher Olston, Yahoo!, USA
Iadh Ounis, Univ. of Glasgow, UK
Jeffrey-Junfeng Pan, Google
Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Ohio State University
Marius Pasca, Google, USA
Jan Pedersen, Microsoft
Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Benjamin Piwowarski, University of Glasgow
Kunal Punera, Yahoo, USA
Balazs Racz, Google, Switzerland
Sriram Raghavan, IBM, USA
Ralf Schenkel, MPI, Germany
Falk Scholer, RMIT University, Australia
Dou Shen, Microsoft, USA
Mario J. Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Edleno Silva de Moura, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Fabrizio Silvestri, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
D Sivakumar, Google, USA
Alan Smeaton, Dublin City University, Ireland
Ruihua Song, Microsoft
Rohini Srihari, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Venkata Subramaniam, IBM Research India
Jie Tang, Tsinghua University
Panayiotis Tsaparas, Microsoft, USA
Belle Tseng, Yahoo!, USA
Trystan Upstill, Google, USA
Sergei Vassilvitskii, Yahoo, USA
Michalis Vazirgiannis, Athens Univ. of Economics & Business, Greece
Sebastiano Vigna, Univ. Milan, Italy
Jianyong Wang, Tsinghua University
Ingmar Weber, EPFL, Switzerland
Ryen White, Microsoft
Baoning Wu,
Gui-Rong Xue, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Qiang Yang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hugo Zaragoza, Yahoo!, Spain
Dell Zhang, Birkbeck, University of London
Lei Zhang, Microsoft, China
Min Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
Zijian Zheng, Microsoft
Nivio Ziviani, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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