WSDM (pronounced “wisdom”) is one of the premier conferences on web-inspired research involving search and data mining. The 15th ACM International WSDM Conference will take place online between Feb 21-25, 2022.
The WSDM 2022 organizing committee invites proposals for full-day and half-day workshops to be held at the WSDM conference on Feb 25th, 2022. The topics of the proposed workshops should be aligned with those set forth in the call for papers of the main conference.
WSDM workshops provide a venue for exploring and discussing emerging research directions and applications. The format and content of each workshop will be determined by its organizers. The tasks of the workshop organizers are as follows:
- Determine the submission deadline for the workshop (if applicable). As a general guideline, this date should be after the notification date for regular WSDM papers.
- Handle the full reviewing process, including recruiting the Program Committee.
- Prepare a workshop website featuring the final program and proceedings.
- Publicize the workshop in the relevant communities.
- Prepare workshop notes to be distributed (possibly online) to attendees.
- Submit a workshop summary paper as part of the proceedings.
- At least two members of the organizers register and attend the workshop, and supervise the workshop operations.
Proposal Format
Workshop proposals, in no more than 5 pages (ACM formatting, sigconf style, submitted as PDF), should include the following information:
- Proposed workshop organizers (names, affiliations and email addresses; identify one person as the primary contact person).
- Description of the workshop: objectives, goals, relevance to WSDM, and expected outcomes.
- Rationale for holding such a workshop during WSDM.
- Description of target audience and estimated number of participants.
- Proposed workshop duration (1/2 or full day), format, activities, and schedule.
- List of related workshops in recent Web-related conferences, indicating the differences between the past and the proposed workshop.
- Short biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant experience and qualifications (e.g., previous workshop organizing).
- If this is a recurring workshop (at WSDM or related conferences such as WWW, SIGIR or KDD), the organizers should highlight the fact, and describe past attendance and outcomes.
Proposals have to be submitted through the EasyChair submission site:
For any questions, please reach out to
Workshop Proposals Due | September 30, 2021 |
Proposal Acceptance Notifications | November 1, 2021 |
Workshop Day | February 25, 2022 |
All deadlines are 11:59pm, anywhere in the world.
Workshop Chairs
Jingrui He – UIUC Dawei Yin – Baidu Inc