Call for Industry Day Speaker

The Industry Day event will take place on the first day of the WSDM conference, Monday Feb 3 2020, in Houston, Texas, USA.

The theme of the Industry Day this year is "Blurring the boundaries of search and recommendation systems". Over the years, we have observed that the boundaries of search and recommendation systems getting more and more blurred. Users are getting used to highly personalized, contextualized, and localized recommendations passively or actively, via all kinds of interfaces and devices. Instead of only focusing on relevance, freshness and quality, research on search systems has gradually gravitated towards the areas of user history modeling, contextualization, representation learning and multi-task learning. This blur of the boundaries has created various unique problems and challenges for the industry. The event’s objectives are twofold:

  • The first objective is presenting the state-of-the-art in search and recommendation systems domains, delivered as keynote talks.
  • The second objective of the Industry Day is the presentation of interesting, novel and innovative ideas from the industry in these domains.

For this year’s industry day session, we invite talks that address problems, challenges and case studies of building the next generation of search and recommendation systems.

Industry authors are invited to submit talk proposals. Each presentation will be 30 minutes long including Q&A. Submissions should include:

  • Title and abstract
  • Speaker's bio
  • (optional, but strongly recommended) Links to video of previous technical talks given by the speaker. In case no such recordings exist, we encourage the speaker to make a recording of a part of the proposed talk for the purpose of this submission.

WSDM is a technical conference, so preference will be given to talks describing applied research and technical challenges rather than product presentations.

The proposals should be sent to:

Important Dates

Submissions due December 2, 2019
Notifications December 16, 2019
Industry Date February 3, 2020

All deadlines are 11:59pm, anywhere in the world (Alofi time).


Industry Chairs

Questions about the Industry Day should be directed to: