WSDM 2020 Accepted Workshops
The following workshops have been selected for WSDM 2020, and are now seeking contributions.
Please go to their home pages via the links provided to find submission requirements and timelines, and further information about topic areas.
- PrivateNLP 2020: Workshop on Privacy in NLP
- ConvERSe 2020: Workshop on Conversational Systems for E-Commerce Recommendations and Search
- HSDM 2020: Workshop on Health Search and Data Mining (jointly held with the the Healthcare Day)
- Integrity 2020: Workshop on Integrity in Social Networks and Media
- NLP4REC 2020: Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Recommendations
- SUM 2020: Workshop on State-based User Modelling
Workshop Chairs
Jiliang Tang Michigan State University
Claudia Hauff Delft University of Technology
Milad Shokouhi Microsoft
Questions about the WSDM workshops should be directed to: