Call for Smart City Day Talks

WSDM (pronounced “wisdom”) is one of the premier conferences on web-inspired research involving search and data mining. The 16th ACM International WSDM Conference will take place in Singapore (in-person conference with virtual elements) between February 27 and March 3, 2023.

The WSDM 2023 Smart City Day will be held at the WSDM conference on March 3, 2023. The aim of the WSDM Smart City Day is to provide a venue for exploring and discussing academic and practical issues related to smart cities.

The organizing committee invites submissions for talk proposals on topics aligned with those set forth in the call for papers of the main conference, with a focus on smart cities. The talk proposals would be peer reviewed, and the accepted proposals would be presented as technical talks during the Smart City Day.

Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Smart energy

  • Smart buildings

  • Smart mobility

  • Smart technologies

  • Smart infrastructure

  • Smart government

  • Smart education

  • Smart citizens

  • Smart security

Submission Guidelines

Presentation proposals should be up to 2 pages (including references) and follow the ACM format. Formatting guidelines are available at this ACM publication site (use the ˮsigconf” proceedings template, two-column format).

Please include:

  • Description of the topics to be presented during the smart city day. Elaborate the significance of the problem (whether it is of academic or industrial relevance).

  • Short biographical sketch for each author.

Proposals have to be submitted through the EasyChair submission site:

Presentation and Publication

The presentation format will be decided based on submissions and interest to the wider community, and is likely to be a mix of short and long presentations as well as panels.

WSDM 2023 is planned to be an in-person conference with virtual elements. At least one author of each accepted presentation needs to register and present the work at the WSDM 2023 Smart City Day. The general expectation is that the talk will be delivered in person. Compelling virtual talk proposals would be considered only on an exceptional basis.

The authors of accepted proposals will be invited to submit a camera-ready copy to be included in the proceedings. See this example as a reference.

Important Dates

Submissions Open October 1, 2022
Submissions Due November 15, 2022
Notifications December 6, 2022
Smart City Day March 3, 2023

All deadlines are 11:59pm, anywhere on earth.

Smart City Day Chairs

Ying Li

Ying Li


Wei Lu

Wei Lu

Singapore University of Technology and Design

For any questions, please reach out to