Call for Tutorials

Important Dates

Submission Open August 1, 2022
Submission Due October 1, 2022 October 15, 2022
Tutorial Notification November 1, 2022 November 15, 2022
Tutorial Camera Ready December 19, 2022

All deadlines are 11:59pm, anywhere on earth.


We invite proposals for 3 hour tutorials to be held at the 16th Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) conference. WSDM will take place from February 27th to March 3rd, 2023 in Singapore.

The WSDM Tutorial Program is intended to disseminate information to conference attendees on recently emerging topics and trends, provide surveys of complementary techniques to those commonly studied at WSDM, and inform industrial practitioners on the state-of-the-art within the field. We encourage submissions of proposals on topics in the general areas of web search, data mining, information retrieval, and social search. WSDM historically has drawn audiences from both academia and industry. This should be taken into consideration in the proposal. Tutorials will be given by experts in the subject matter.

Each accepted tutorial should provide a webpage that provides links to all reasonably drafted slides and references before the conference starts, for publication at the conference website.

WSDM aims to be an in-person event, and hence the tutorial speakers are expected to be physically present. Virtual participation is possible for those who genuinely face significant challenges in traveling to Singapore., but at least one of the presenters is expected to attend the conference. All tutorial speakers have to register for the conference, at least for the tutorial day. One complementary registration for the 5-day conference is available for each tutorial.

Submission Guidelines

A tutorial submission should include the following elements, and should be no longer than 4 pages.

  • Title of the tutorial
  • Short abstract (300 words)
  • Motivation
  • Brief outline of the topics to be covered
  • Intended audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills required
  • Relevance to the community and references to related resources (and tutorials at related conferences)
  • Format and detailed schedule
  • Type of support materials to be supplied to attendees.
  • (If applicable) A list of previous offering(s) of the tutorial and the number of participants as well as relationships with them (differences, additions, changes, comments/questions from previous audience and how do you address them).
  • Strategies that you plan to employ to encourage audience participation and interactivity throughout the tutorial presentation.
  • Detailed contact information of all presenters (and indication of the main contact person)
  • A brief biography (max. 2 paragraphs) for each presenter, highlighting relevant experience in presenting tutorials, teaching classes, organizing summer schools, etc.
  • Main references

Tutorial proposals must be submitted HERE in PDF according to the new ACM format published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample.

Upon acceptance, authors should submit a short summary of the tutorial to be included in the conference proceedings. The summary (maximum 4 pages) should include tutorial title, extended abstract, presenters’ biography and references. More information about how to prepare for this summary will be included in the acceptance email.

For any questions, please contact the tutorial chairs.

Tutorial Chairs

Jing Gao

Jing Gao

Purdue University

Fabian M. Suchanek

Fabian M. Suchanek

Télécom Paris University