November 6, 2024
Doctoral Consortium Submissions Due
December 4, 2024
Notification of Decisions
March 10, 2025
Doctoral Consortium
All deadlines are 11:59 pm anywhere on earth.
The WSDM 2025 Doctoral Consortium will provide doctoral students with a unique opportunity to have substantive interaction with experienced researchers regarding their proposed dissertation research.
The objectives of the Doctoral Consortium are:
- To create a platform where doctoral students can share and exchange their research findings and experiences, relating to Web Search and Data Mining, with accomplished researchers who are part of the Doctoral Consortium Committee (also known as “mentors”), including those from academic and industrial backgrounds.
- Additionally, the goal is to enable students to build a supportive network by connecting with other doctoral students who are engaged in similar areas of research or in a similar phase of their dissertation.
The Doctoral Consortium will take place on March 10, 2025. The format will include student presentations with plenary discussions, individual meetings with experienced researchers, discussions over breaks, peer feedback, and panel discussions. Optionally, there will be the chance to have dinner together.
The selection process for the Doctoral Consortium will evaluate candidates based on their research’s potential to make a significant impact in the field of Web Search and Data Mining, as well as the potential benefits the student will gain from participating in the Consortium. Prospective participants should have either written a thesis proposal (or equivalent) or made substantial progress towards it. While we will consider late-stage students who are near completion of their thesis, the expected benefits for these students may be comparatively less.
This selection will be based in part on a written submission, singly authored by the student. The submission may contain previously published material, as well as ongoing work. Doctoral students who submit to the Consortium are welcome to submit other papers or posters to WSDM and associated workshops. Students accepted to the Consortium will have the option of publishing a 3-page extended abstract summarizing their research in the full conference proceedings.
Presenting students will be eligible to apply for travel support through sponsoring organizations such as ACM SIGIR. Details of how to apply will be made available to students whose proposals are accepted for presentation.
Submission Guidelines
The submission has two parts. The first part, a research statement, should be no more than three (3) pages long. It will be the basis for detailed discussions at the Consortium and should include:
- Motivation for the dissertation research and main research questions.
- Background and related work (including key references).
- Overview of student’s research direction, which may include previously presented work and ongoing or proposed research.
- Research methodology, proposed experiments (where appropriate), and evaluation strategy.
- Special emphasis on specific research issues for discussion at the Doctoral Consortium.
The second part, limited to one (1) page, describes the benefits that would be obtained from attending the Consortium. It should be added as an appendix to the research statement and include:
- A statement by the student saying why they want to attend the Consortium.
- A brief statement (1 paragraph) by their advisor saying how the student would benefit from attending the Consortium. Advisors should also specifically state whether the student has written, or is close to completing, a thesis proposal (or equivalent) and when they expect the student will defend their dissertation if they progress at a typical rate.
Format Requirements
Submissions must be written in English and submitted in the new
ACM camera-ready templates. Please use sample-sigconf.tex as the template. The submission should be no more than 3 pages in length, including all figures and references, but not including the one-page appendix. The first page must contain the title of the submission, full author name, affiliation and contact details, an abstract of up to 250 words, ACM Computing Reviews categories, and up to 3 keywords describing the topic areas. Information about categories and keywords can be found in the ACM Web pages on the computing classification system and in the LaTeX and Word templates.
Consortium submissions must be in PDF format and submitted via the submission system. Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Doctoral Consortium Committee.
CMT submission site: