The SIGIR Student Travel Grant Program provides funding for students who are members of ACM SIGIR to help cover the cost of travel and lodging to attend and contribute to WSDM 2024.
SIGIR is pleased to offer Student Travel Grants for students presenting their accepted contributions at WSDM 2024.
To be eligible, the student must: (1) be an author of an accepted contribution and (2) be the one presenting the accepted contribution.
These awards are competitive (i.e., not every applicant will receive a grant). We will prioritize students presenting with accepted contributions on the main conference track; students from underrepresented countries; and students who have not received a grant in the past.
To be considered for a grant, the student must submit an application and their academic advisor must complete a statement of support (a link to the advisor will be sent directly as soon as the student provides all the information requested in their application).
For awardees, the grant will cover the cost of in-person registration (U$D 459) and U$D 900 towards travel and accommodation costs.
The application period is October 19, 2023 to November 3rd, 2023 (AoE). The application and statement of support must be submitted before the end of the application period.
Link to apply: