Author Registration Policy

General Requirements:
Each paper accepted for presentation at the conference must be accompanied by a distinct author registration.

Main Conference (3-Day) and Passport Registration (5-Day):
For Research/Demo Papers: At least one author of each accepted Research Paper or Demonstration Paper is expected to register for either the Main Conference (3-Day) or the Passport Registration (5-Day) by December 17, 2023.

Papers without a valid accompanying registration may be excluded from the proceedings.

Single-Day (Day 1 or Day 5) tickets:
For all submissions accepted to single-day programs, including Industry Day, WSDM Day, Tutorials, Workshops, Doctoral Consortium, and WSDM Cup Day, at least one author is expected to register for the conference.

Authors of single-day program submissions may register under the “Single Day” option (Day 1 or Day 5) or the “Passport Registration (5-Day)”.

Passport Registration Coverage:
A single Passport Registration (5-Day) may cover up to one research/demo paper and one tutorial/workshop/Industry day/WSDM day/WSDM Cup paper.

Virtual Participant Registration:
Please note that the “Virtual Participant” registration type cannot be used for author registrations. It does not cover any paper (regardless of the paper type).

We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these author registration requirements. If you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to contact us.

Registration Fees

Early Bird (From now until Dec 17, 2023)

Registration TypeSingle Day 
(Day 1 or Day 5)
Main Conference
Passport Registration
ACM/SIG Member$306$765$969$255
Full (Non-Member)$306$867$1,071$255
LATAM-Based ACM/SIG Member$255$459$510$153
LATAM-Based Full (Non Member)$255$510$612$153
LATAM-Based Student$153$383$485$128

Standard (From Dec 18, 2023 to Feb 18, 2024)

Registration TypeSingle Day 
(Day 1 or Day 5)
Main Conference
Passport Registration
ACM/SIG Member$357$816$1,071$306
Full (Non-Member)$357$918$1,173$306
LATAM-Based ACM/SIG Member$306$510$612$204
LATAM-Based Full (Non Member)$306$612$714$204
LATAM-Based Student$179$408$536$153

Late (From Feb 18, 2024 to Mar 3, 2024)

Registration TypeSingle Day 
(Day 1 or Day 5)
Main Conference
Passport Registration
ACM/SIG Member$408$969$1,224$306
Full (Non-Member)$408$1,071$1,326$306
LATAM-Based ACM/SIG Member$357$663$765$204
LATAM-Based Full (Non Member)$357$765$867$204
LATAM-Based Student$204$485$612$153

Additional Ticket

Conference DinnerN.A.$80 (Tax included)N.A.
Social Program
(Museo Mundo Maya)
N.A.$40 (Tax included)N.A.
Single Day 
(Day 1 or Day 5)
Main Conference (3-Day)Passport Registration (5-Day)Virtual
* Access to presentations on selected day. That is, Day 1 (Monday) or Day 5 (Friday) only.  
* Access to conference proceedings via the ACM Digital Library
* Coffee breaks for a single day
* Virtual access for the single day selected

* Day 1 (Monday) offers Tutorials & Industry Day
* Day 5 (Friday) offers Workshops, Doctoral Consortium, WSDM Cup Day, and WSDM Day

Coverage for author registration: This can be used to cover an author registration for up to 1 accepted submission to single-day programs.
* Access to all presentations from Tuesday to Thursday 
* Access to the conference proceedings via the ACM Digital Library 
* Coffee breaks from Tuesday to Thursday  
* Virtual access to all presentations from Tuesday to Thursday
* In-person attendance to WSDM Business Lunch on Thursday
* In-person attendance to Poster Reception on Tuesday
* In-person attendance to Social Program  

Coverage for author registration: This ticket can be used to cover an author registration. All accepted papers require at least one author to be registered in person.
* All elements of the Main Conference (3-day) registration
* Access to presentations on Monday and Friday 
* Access to the conference proceedings via the ACM Digital Library
* Coffee breaks for all 5 days 
* Virtual access for all 5 days
* In-person attendance to the Poster Reception on Tuesday
* In-person attendance to the Conference Dinner on Wednesday  
* In-person attendance to WSDM Business Lunch on Thursday
* In-person attendance to the Social Program  

Coverage for author registration: This ticket can be used to cover an author registration. All accepted papers / demos / workshops and tutorials must have at least one author registered in person.
* Virtual access in our virtual platform for all 5 days 
* Access to the conference proceedings via the ACM Digital Library. 

This ticket allows you to watch live-streaming (Zoom via Whova) of keynotes, oral presentations, tutorials, workshops, Industry Day, WSDM Day, WSDM Cup Day, Doctoral Consortium. We also encourage Demos and Posters presenters to interact with virtual participants on Whova, and some might offer their own Zoom link.

This registration cannot be used to cover an accepted submission of any type.
Evening and or in-person only programs such as Poster Reception and Conference Dinner will not be live-streamed.

Eligibility for Special Rates Policy

Student Registration Rates:
To be eligible for Student Registration rates, attendees must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled as full-time students at an accredited educational institution.
  • Be able to provide evidence of their full-time student status if requested to do so.

ACM/SIG Member Registration Rates:
To be eligible for ACM/SIG Member Registration rates, attendees must meet the following criteria:

  • Be current members of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) or one of the following ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs): SIGIR (Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval), SIGKDD (Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), SIGMOD (Special Interest Group on Management of Data), or SIGWEB (Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Web).
  • Be able to provide evidence of their membership status if requested to do so.

LATAM-Based Registration Rates:
To be eligible for LATAM-Based Registration rates, attendees must meet the following criteria:

  • Reside and be based in the Latin America (LATAM) region.
  • Provide evidence of their LATAM-based status if requested to do so.

SIGIR and NSF Travel Award Winners:
SIGIR (Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval) and NSF (National Science Foundation) Travel Award winners may register for the conference for free. If you plan to apply for one of these awards, please refrain from registering for the conference until you receive the award notification.

SIGWEB Fair Registration Access Winners:
SIGWEB (Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia, and the Web) Fair Registration Access Winners may register for the virtual conference for free. If you plan to apply for one of these grants, please refrain from registering for the conference until you receive the grant notification.

WSDM Cup Challenges and WSDM Day Challenge:
One representative from the top three teams in each of the WSDM Cup Challenges and the WSDM Day Challenge may register for the conference for free. 

Right to Revoke Ineligible Registrations:
The Conference Committee reserves the right to revoke registrations that do not meet the eligibility criteria for special rates outlined above. Attendees must adhere to the specified requirements for their chosen registration type.

We appreciate your cooperation and adherence to these eligibility criteria. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your eligibility or registration status, please contact us for clarification.

Cancellation Terms Policy

Author Registrations: Author registrations for the event are non-refundable and cannot be canceled.

Other Registrations (Non-Author): Registrations of types other than author are cancellable until February 18, 2024. In case of cancellation, we will reimburse 50% of the registration fees.

Refund Deadline: No refunds will be granted for any registration type after February 18, 2024.

Cancellation Request Procedure: To request a cancellation and potential refund, please submit your request in writing to

Refund Processing: Refunds for eligible cancellations will only be processed after the conclusion of the conference.
Please review this policy carefully and ensure that you meet the specified deadlines and conditions for cancellation. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us to